Georgian Dream President Mikheil Kavelashvili signed into law the repressive laws hastily passed by the “Dream” parliament in recent days.
What will come into effect on December 30:
Increased fine for organized roadblocking or group traffic in a built-up area when the roadway is fully occupied (1,000 GEL fine and 1-year suspension of driving privileges);
Fines for defacing and vandalism of the territory within the administrative boundaries of the municipality (1000 – 3500 GEL);
Illegal wearing of clothing or attributes of the prescribed MIA uniforms and/or the wearing of clothing/attributes resembling the prescribed form of clothing or attributes (2000 GEL, with confiscation of the offending object(s));
Possession of pyrotechnic products, laser radiation and/or any means of sharp radiation during an assembly or demonstration, the use of which may interfere with the activities of representatives of state agencies and/or the proper functioning of technical means at their disposal;
Covering the face with a mask or any other means (fine of 2000 GEL);
Increased fines for violating other rules of assemblies and demonstrations (5000 GEL instead of 500 GEL, for the organizer – 15,000 GEL).