Paata Imnadze, deputy head of the National Center for Disease Control, stated: “pregnant women can be vaccinated with Pfizer, but not with Sinovac or Sinopharm yet.”
Imnadze noted that Sinovac and Sinopharm have not yet written in the instructions that pregnant women can be vaccinated because clinical trials on pregnant women have not been completed yet.
“Pfizer has written in the instructions, after consulting a doctor and a pregnant woman, vaccinating pregnant women who are at high risk is allowed. Therefore, in the current situation, in the case of Pfizer, pregnant women can be vaccinated, but not with Sinovac and Sinopharm yet,” Imnadze said.
He noted that if a person does not follow the rules, the possibility of infection is everywhere. Imnadze also added that he considers people who distinguish the vaccines from each other as anti-vaxxers.
By Ketevan Skhirtladze