The official value of 1 US dollar became 2.7596 GEL. Based on the data published by the National Bank, as a result of today’s trade, the value of 1 US dollar became 2.7596 GEL. Today’s rate was 2.7323 GEL. Accordingly, the change of the dollar in relation to the national currency amounted to 0.0273 GEL.
As for the euro, its exchange rate is 3.0002 GEL. While today’s exchange rate was 2.9577 GEL. Accordingly, the change of euro amounted to 0.0425 GEL.
The exchange rates resulting from today’s trade will be effective tomorrow.
The National Bank sold 60,000,000 US dollars at the foreign exchange auction to stabilize the exchange rate of the Lari (GEL).