She looks and feels as young and vigorous as one can be at this mature, yet still very enjoyable stage of life, remaining inexhaustibly productive in her creative endeavors, just as she always has. This nation, as well as the world of poetry and literature in general, has embraced her works with great affection. Her name is well known through her books and articles, all written in a deep and elevated scientific style, yet still uncannily accessible and entertaining for even the ordinary reader. Her thought-provoking and captivating public appearances consistently draw large audiences of diverse ages and interests.
A full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia and the founder and chair of the Translating Arts department at Tbilisi State University, Professor Innes Merabishvili has created academic programs that have produced tens of Master’s and Doctoral graduates who are now successfully engaged in educating the future generations of Sakartvelo. These young minds will, in the future, take on the responsibility of managing their homeland. I have personally witnessed her magical approach to working with our young men and women at the university, as well as with the children at the renowned Byron School of Tbilisi, which she founded more than thirty years ago. This was during the most difficult times for Georgia, when the country was undergoing significant social, economic, and political transformations, having been plunged into unexpected darkness and uncertainty. Yes, Innes was one of those rare Georgian patriots who upheld the crumbling educational system of the nation. This tireless lady of letters and pedagogy went to great lengths, working extra hard to make something positive happen in this land, particularly to help devastated families and their children feel happier in the nurturing educational environment she had personally cultivated, all at the expense of her patience and finances.
Innes has raised thousands of young people throughout her life, guiding them onto the right path in life, not to mention raising a beautiful family of her own. Remarkably, in the process of solving numerous pressing problems and overcoming the obstacles that life in Sakartvelo presented at that time, Innes Merabishvili transformed herself into a thoughtful Byron scholar and translator of international acclaim. Her profound insights and conclusions in the field were regarded by specialists as valuable contributions to Byron studies.
It is not only her scholarly contributions to interpreting the great English poet’s life and literary legacy that are noteworthy but also her role in presenting him to the global community as a figure of great significance, particularly through her leadership of the Georgian Byron Society, where she served as president for many years.
Additionally, Innes Merabishvili played a pivotal role in introducing the world to the Georgian genius Galaktion Tabidze. It is thanks to her exceptional translation of Galaktion’s works that the world has come to appreciate Tabidze’s poetic treasures. Innes employed three subtle tools to accomplish this remarkable task: a mastery of the English language, an innate sense of poetry, and a linguistic analysis method she developed during her early years, now taught intensively at her alma mater as part of the Translation Arts course.
Writing or speaking about Innes Merabishvili is both easy and difficult. Easy because there is so much to reflect upon—she has never stopped writing what she believes is worthy of bequeathing to future generations. Difficult because every word written or spoken about her must be carefully considered and fairly presented to the public.
It is a great joy to know that Innes is still firmly holding the pen, dipping it into ink. Let us wish our wonderful lady of philosophical reason and emotional subtlety the strength to continue her work with the same vigor and dynamism with which she has embarked on her great projects—each undertaken with courage and dedication. And, most importantly, may she deliver to us the finest translation of the phenomenal Georgian epic, The Knight in the Panther’s Skin—her highest mission for the nation, which Innes Merabishvili has shouldered with great responsibility, determined to bring it to triumph.
Blog by Nugzar B. Ruhadze