The Parliament discussed with the III reading and unanimously adopted with 68 votes the Draft Code of Administrative Offenses imposing the penalties for the repeated failure of drivers to hold a technical inspection (TI) license.
Pursuant to the current Code, the driver that fails to pass the periodic TI shall be subject to a penalty of 50 GEL; the Code fails to envisage repeated offenses, while the Draft imposes the penalty of 150 GEL for a natural person and 300 GEL for a legal entity/I.E. for the concession of his/her vehicle without a TI license to another person or for a repeated offense within 30 days of the first penalty.
Pursuant to the same principle, if the above-mentioned offense is repeatedly committed, it shall entail: a penalty of 300 GEL for a natural person and 500 GEL for a legal entity/I.E., and a penalty of 500 GEL for a natural person and 700 GEL for a legal entity/I.E. for a repeated offense within 30 days of the first penalty.