The Internally Displaced Persons, Ecomigrants, and Livelihood Agency started accepting applications under the state program for reintegration assistance of returned migrants.
The program provides grants for the emergence of a source of income and promotion of self-employment, vocational education, medical care, and temporary housing. The goal of the reintegration assistance program is to support the process of adaptation of citizens returning to Georgia.
Receipt of applications will continue until April 4 in the Agency and its territorial divisions.
Besarion Simonishvili, Director of the Agency noted: “Returned migrants will receive grants to generate a source of income and promote self-employment. Funding can be obtained both in case of starting and expanding the activity and its amount is 4000 GEL. It is important for us to help and support the citizens of our country returning from emigration. At this stage, applications are being received under the reintegration program and a total of 200 migrants will be funded.”
By Ketevan Skhirtladze