Berlin Art News: Georgian Pianist Khatia Buniatishvili at the Berlin Philharmonie, and Other Women Artists in Focus
Amidst heated debates as to whether Georgia is part of Europe, and how its integration into the EU can be ...
Amidst heated debates as to whether Georgia is part of Europe, and how its integration into the EU can be ...
Operas have always been occasions for high society gatherings among cultural elites: in the previous centuries, monarchs and aristocracy, high ...
The High Yellow Note is a quotation of Van Gogh that inspired curator Bice Curiger for her next exhibition at ...
Summer has always been the time for celebrating vibrant color and opulent nature. The Marcel Ostertag Store that re-opened in ...
In his evocative cycle of paintings, Georgian artist Guga Kakabadze represents the recurrent motive of old-fashioned gates and doors crafted ...
Berlinale 74 will sadly go into history not for its films, probably not for its winners either, but for the ...
Although women‘s voices are gaining strength, fashion is still mostly dominated by male designers and tastes. During Berlin Fashion Week, ...
In our prosaic age, veristic operas resonate with particular force with audiences, creating special moods and emphasising affects. As in ...
Fashion is all about the statements that it communicates to societies. What we wear is about who we are. For ...
Traditional notions of love, duty, and societal expectations are the main topics of Nino Haratishvili's play "Phädra in Flames" that ...